Sunday, October 28, 2012

Halloween Time with Fiona

Hi thar!

I know I haven't written in ages, I have been really busy with school, and haven't really had the time to even think about cosplay (or anything else really...)
But for halloween I decided I needed to dress up because life without cosplay is boring. I wanted a comfy costume I could wear to any convention later, without itchy wigs or heavy parts that keep falling of *cough-wow-cough*

So I decided to feed my Adventure Time addiction and make Fiona, since I pretty much have the same hair as she has, and not to mention her hat is super cute >__<
This costume is really not ready yet, before I use it at am actual convention I'm gonna make the bag and sword and buy new sock.

Anyway, here are some pics we took today. It's not really a photoshoot, I just wanted a few pictures of the costume before I dye my hair pink (and thus won't be able to use it for a few weeks) :) Plus it was a super beautiful day with snow which I hate and sunshine and everyhting!

featuring Tonys sonic screwdriver
I have learned more from this show than I have from life itself. I love it.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

time for a picture spam!

So, I got the chance to photoshoot my Blood Elf costume before I went on a two week "holliday" (actually I'm at a rehabiliation center becuase of my muscle condition). My best friend Yuki took the pictures, and I am so grateful! She is a very talented photographer, and the pictures turned out great. I hope you can't see how much I was suffering in the costume, it was way harder walking in it in the forrest than it was at the convention *sad face* Oh well maybe the troubled look suits the character?

one of the more epic pictures

also one were I actually look cool!

I needed one of these

I wasnt feeling as epic as this is looking

So yup! Thats it for now! Hope you like the pictures because I sure do!

On another very sad note: I won't be able to make the Serah costume, I don't think I should explain too much, but I really don't have the money for it right now, and even if I did, I wouldn't have the time. I am gone for twoo weeks now, after which I will have to work super hard fow two weeks to catch up with all the school I missed while doing water gymnastics with old people. I will also loose about a month at christmas when I go to Florida plus I am organizing mine and Tonys engagement party while making all the graphics for a game.... So after all this I will barely have the time to finish my Pixie costume which was and is my first plan for Frotbite. So thats how the coockie crumbles :( I'm truly sorry for the people I promised to make this costume with, but I cant come up with the time or money and I have streched myself too thin before. Wont go back to that place, its not nice :(