Friday, September 19, 2014

Sorry for the silence, heres the reason! (+ Facebook pages for cosplayers)

This blog has been a bit silent the whole summer and it is probably going to continue that way until December. Why? Well, I am currently doing an internship in Hong Kong, and this means I'm unable to work on any costumes or do any sewing until I get back home.
During the summer I made a lot of clothes for myself, but never got around to taking any photos. I was busy planning my trip and working. I also didnt really have the money for any costumes since I was saving everything up for this internship, and I'm glad I did because this is quite the expensive city I must say.

Seeing all the Tracon posts was pretty hard. Tracon has been my favorite convention since I first went there back in 2008 (I think). It is an inspiring event for me, and that's where I usually get the boost I need to continue cosplaying. But I must say being unable to sew or create costumes is also proving to be quite inspiring in its own way. I am only now realizing how relaxing and fun making costumes really is for me. I am looking forwards to starting my next big cosplay project when I get back to Finland. It will most likely be another World of Warcraft costume since I enjoyed making the last one so much. I am also looking forwards to completing Duela Dent, since that costume has been on hold for quite some time now. It is almost done, I just need to finish the top :)

I am also thinking about making a facebook page for my costumes, but it seems a bit excessive... I don't really see why people are making those pages? If you have one maybe write me a few lines on why you decided to make one? It would be helpful since I'm considering it :)

I'll be back with a real plan soon I hope!