Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Halp! Peruukki apua kaipailen!

Tarvitsen apuanne!

Olen siis tekemässä Pixie cossin Traconin X-men ryhmään ja olen vähäsen hukassa peruukin suhteen. Mitään täydellistä peruukkia en tule löytämään, mutta olen nyt löytänyt neljä suht hyvää peruukkia ebaystä. Ongelma on etten osaa päättää niiden välillä, joten kaikki kommentit ovat tervetulleita!

Tässäpä ensin muutama kuva hahmosta. Koska kyseessä on sarja jota piirtää useampi kuvittaja, hahmon hiusten väri/malli vaihtelee aika paljon:

Elikkä, yritin koota mahdollisimman paljon erinlaisia kuvia hiuksista :) Mutta sitten ongelmaan:
Ebayssä on kyllä paljon vaaleanpunaisia peruukkeja, mutta tuo sävy.... Tässä nyt ne neljä jotka minun mielestäni ovat parhaimmat:

kun nuo ylimääräiset leikkais pois niin olisi aika hyvän mallinen

tämä saattaa olla ihan saman värinen kuin toi ylempi, vain kuvattu eri valossa ja ehkä vähän eri värinen
tästä värsitä pidän, mutta laadusta en ole niinkään varma... epäilyttää aina tällaiset peruukit jossa on kirkkaampi väri, en halua että se näyttää punanaamio peruukilta päässä....
tästä mallista pidän, mutta väristä en ole varma...

Elikkäs, there you have it! Mikä noista teidän mielestä on paras? Tai onko teillä kenties muita ehdotuksia? Olen kiitollinen kaikesta avusta!

Niin ja edistyvätkö cossini? Ehkä sen verran että tämän viikon lopussa voisi tehdä pienen progress merkinnän :D

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Duelas backpack

Despite all distractions I'm still working on Duela! I recently finished her backpack, and since I don't feel like writing much about it, I'll just post a few pictures of it.

This is what I was making:

pic is not by me btw...

 As you can see, I didn't have much to go on, and in the pics from the comic itself, it varies a lot. Thats why I wanted to work of the figurine to begin with...

How it all started, by making a pattern!

The side thingy is actually a pen that I covered with fake leather and the end is made out of Fimo modelling clay

Some of the parts and materials I used for the backpack

It was not a good idea to make the resin in an old plastic lid, because the expiry date got stuck on it xD

The base itself is made of isolation foam which I covered with fake leather. I glued the resin thing and the clockwork onto the foam, then placed a panel of softie covered with fake leather on top.I could have sworn I took more pictures along the way but can't find them now so oh well..

and voila, here it is! I also added some of the studs that can be found elsewhere on the costume, I think it ties it all together nicely. Also I used screws to attach the side thingy. Now all I need to do is attach the tube that comes out of this thing!

 So all in all what can I say? Some of the parts I really like, some of the parts I just like and some I don't like at all. This brings me to a problem I have. I'm never really pleased with anything I make.. Don't know why I just see all the flaws, and it feels like I do my very best but it just doesn't turn out good. Like with those circles for example, I cut them out like three times before I was even remotely pleased with them. In my case I completely see what I need to do better, I just.. cant I guess :/

Buuuut anyway, hopefully I have something smarter to write about next time :3

Thursday, July 4, 2013

planning ahead and how things sometimes work out for me...


So my cosplay plan is forming itself pretty nicely, I now have costumes for both days for tracon, fanfest and even Frostbite if I decide to go (or rather get the ticket, it seems to be very hard getting one...).
So as I've been planning all these costumes, I've realized there are a lot of similar parts in them, that I can use for two costumes. I had to make a post about this, since this is like the first time ever a plan is falling so nicely together.
And while we are on the topic of planning, this is something I'm pretty good at: making a plan and sticking to it. I could talk about the joys of organizing all day, so I'll just end it here and go on to the actual topic of the day!

So here's a list of all the parts I'm going to be using in more than one costume. In fact I think these reusable parts have played a role in me picking the characters I'm doing this year, I think this is proof of how planning ahead can reduce your work load  as well as the cost of your cosplay costumes.

First of, Pixie and Mantis have the same shape of  headband. Sometimes Pixies is black and sometimes its yellow, I wasn't sure which color I would pick, until I noticed that Mantis headband is the exact same shape. On top of this Mantis headband also varies, sometimes its red and sometimes it's yellow. So I decided to do a yellow headband, at use it for both costumes!

Another thing these two ladies have in common is their eyes, they both have black eyes, and therefor I can use my blackout lenses (that I got for a discount woop!) for both.

Also, both Duela and Victoria have green eyes, which means I can use the blood elf lenses I bought last year for them:

If I go to desucon frostbite I will be making this version!

Then there is the issue of belts in the costumes, now this is where it gets really neat :D Mantis, Pixie and X-23 all have the same shape on the belt. Pixies is yellow however, but that can easily be fixed by making a yellow "cover" for it, that I can slide on and of. Pixie and Laura obviously also have the X- belt buckle which is mostly the same color.

More on the topic of belts, I bought a nice steampunk style belt for Duela, that I can use for Victoria as well.

The thing that is really bugging me, however, is Duelas and Victorias goggles. They are pretty much identical, apart from the extra lens on Duelas goggles. I am very much tempted to rip of the extra lens and then put it back when I reuse Duela, but somehow it doesnt seem like a very good (or easy) solution. I swear, nothing good has ever come out of  saying "I'll just rip this off!"

Also, it sucks becuase at the moment I'm actually way more into making Victoria, who doesn't need to be ready until October... But oh well.
 I'm working on Duela every spear minute and the next entry will be about the making of her backpack! Yup, thats right, I finished something!