Thursday, October 4, 2012

time for a picture spam!

So, I got the chance to photoshoot my Blood Elf costume before I went on a two week "holliday" (actually I'm at a rehabiliation center becuase of my muscle condition). My best friend Yuki took the pictures, and I am so grateful! She is a very talented photographer, and the pictures turned out great. I hope you can't see how much I was suffering in the costume, it was way harder walking in it in the forrest than it was at the convention *sad face* Oh well maybe the troubled look suits the character?

one of the more epic pictures

also one were I actually look cool!

I needed one of these

I wasnt feeling as epic as this is looking

So yup! Thats it for now! Hope you like the pictures because I sure do!

On another very sad note: I won't be able to make the Serah costume, I don't think I should explain too much, but I really don't have the money for it right now, and even if I did, I wouldn't have the time. I am gone for twoo weeks now, after which I will have to work super hard fow two weeks to catch up with all the school I missed while doing water gymnastics with old people. I will also loose about a month at christmas when I go to Florida plus I am organizing mine and Tonys engagement party while making all the graphics for a game.... So after all this I will barely have the time to finish my Pixie costume which was and is my first plan for Frotbite. So thats how the coockie crumbles :( I'm truly sorry for the people I promised to make this costume with, but I cant come up with the time or money and I have streched myself too thin before. Wont go back to that place, its not nice :(


  1. Hienoja kuvia kyllä! Tämä on muutenkin varsin eeppinen puku, enkä voi olla nostamatta lempikohtaani: nuo kulmakarvat, Aaaa! Miten olet muuten saanut pysymään ne noin hyvin?

    1. pysyivät koko traconin ihan vain ripsiliimalla, mutta sitä sai kyllä laittaa niin paljon että kun vetäsin ne pois vetäsin myös osat omista kulmista pois... noh photoshootissa en sitten käyttänyt yhtä paljon liimaa, mutta eivät ne pysyneetkään yhtä kivassa asennossa! Ja kiitos, seuraavaksi sitten jotakin hieman helpompaa että frostbitessä voi liikkua:D
