Saturday, June 1, 2013

Duela progress and other plans!

So... I have been Quietly working on my Duela Dent costume and loudly cursing the fact that I didn't get a ticket to Desucon.. Turns out I also am going to attend a wedding the weekend of Finncon so... yeah won't be making it there either... So it looks like the next convention will be Tracon for me! After that I will also be attending the new convention "Fanfest" in October and then SSGFC in Stockholm or Göteborg or wherever it's held this year :D

So as it looks right now I will be cosplaying Duela at Tracon (and I am actually planning on competing woo!), also hopefully I can get Pixie done for the other day.
For Fanfest and SSGFC we are planning on making S.H.I.E.L.D jumpsuits and a Star Trek group!
As a sideproject I will propably be making  X-23 from X-men for a photoshoot :)

There are other lovelies I would also like to make (and am going to) but don't know for which convention yet:

Victoria here is an example of those characters! I even have the wig for this :)

But onto the actual buisness! Here is some progress I've made on Duela. It's not much since I have been focusing on my actual career for the past month but anyway, here we go:

The shizzle for the arms:

This was pretty easy so I won't ramble on about it, just some measurements and some sewing and done!

enjoy the trash in the background!
I have always hated purple but I'm starting to like it, thanks to this costume and Hawkguy...

The Hat:

So for this I bought a horrible hat that had the right shape and then draped it with the correct fabric, which to be honest was a lot harder than it first sounded...

gorgeous right?

this was a very interesting stage.. by far the hardest part...

and the finished hat! Its not as good as it could be, but oh well...

The Goggles:

Now this was a really fun project! I loved every stage of it!

this is what I started out with...

oh and they had this "wonderful" fluffy green stuff around the lenses...

so I painted them the right color....

even though the goggles already had green lenses, I really thought they looked too plastic to be steampunkish, so I made new lenses from rasin! the first ones I made ended up looking like crappy flubber because I used the wrong kind of color...

some of the parts before I glued on the rasin lenses...

... and the goggles after I glued them on! Looks way more steampunky right?

and tadaa! finished! I also made a new strap from brown leather!

I'll take a better picture once I get new batteries for my camera :) (yes my camera runs on batteries- it's rubbish)

So Next upp I will be styling my wig, which I got about a month ago :) I will also start working on the thing she has on her back.. Let's just call it the backpack of doom.

So what have you guys been up to? Haven't really been on my blog in a while so.. yeah, hoping that will change now that my summer job starts!

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