Friday, July 27, 2012

stuff I'm not entirely embarrased to have worn...
So, I think an introduction is in order...

I'm Alette, a 23 year-old cosplayer from Finland. I am currently studying advertising at the art academy here in the city of Turku. I have been cosplaying since 2007.
In the beginning I did really simple costumes: most of the parts I already owned, my wigs were bad and I didn't really pay that much attention to detail, but then again most people start out this way, right?
I have however, made some costumes I am pretty proud of in he past. I might write something about them occationally, but mostly this blog will be about upcomming projects (I'll propably make a list of projects I'm working on in the next post). I'll use this blog to get in touch with other cosplayers and share my experience while I'm learning from others. I love talking about cosplay and I started this blog partly becuase I wanted to comment on all the lovely cosplay blogs I'm currenlty following as well :)

I live in Finland and talk finnish, but my first language is actually swedish. I'll be writing this blog in english, simply because it's a language that most people understand now a days, plus I think my english has gotten a bit rusty lately and I wan't to be as fluent as possible. Feel free to comment in any of the three languages I speak, though :)

Also nonexcistent design is nonexcistent. I will get to the layout of this blog as soon as I get a deacent header made. It's embarrasing for an art director in the making to have a shitty looking blog!


  1. Yes, I'm glad you finally got your own blog, I've been waiting for this since the first time you told me you'd be interested in writing one! : ) You make wonderful cosplays, so I'm eager to read about your projects and maybe have few tips on the way ; )

    I love reading about cosplay but rarely I comment anything... which is sad and I try to post something sometimes. Especially if I can help in some dilemma, then I comment ^^ I hope we can help each other over our blogs.

    PS. Don't mind my grammar mistakes ; ))

  2. yay! I added you to my reading list! I can be very lazy with comments as well, so hopefully I wont be this time!
    I also think your costumes are kick ass, so we should definetly have some work shop together sometime!

  3. I'm not sure do I know you from before (memory is derp sometimes XD) but thanks for following my blog and good luck with this blog! It seems interesting so I'll follow you back! 8D

    Btw, cool with another who can speak both Swedish and Finnish fluently. XD My stronger language is Swedish too although I have Finnish parents and live in Finland for the time being.

    1. cool, I dont think there are many swedish speaking finns that cosplay! but nice to find someone! I hope I get to comment on your blog a lot becuase its very interesting :)
