Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Always stick to the plan- and mostly I actually do!

So, as I promised here's a list of upcomming cosplay projects! This list is so not complete, the only things set in stone are my own projects, the ones I'm doing with others are still pretty much question marks. I will propably add a few words about each project as well (they are listed in the order of the conventions)

Tracon 8-9. 9. 2012

Femme! Captain America.
This is part of a "femme! Avengers feat Loki group". This costume is ready apart from the mask and the shield, however I am going to have to fix the shirt that ripped at the last convention I wore this to :(
this version has the wings on the shoes

Concept art version of a paladins judgement armor from World of Warcraft (few, that sure was a long sentence...).
Well, I've started working on this one, but I still have oh so many parts left... I'm working with materials I've never used before, so I have no idea how this will turn out. That's why I'm not promising anything, if the costume isn't ready in time for Tracon, I will postpone this to desucon frostbite, and wear my Ashe costume

lots of work but also lots of fun

Ongoing project for the "cosplay recycling" challenge.

I'll be telling you more about this once I get started, but I'm participating in a project where you are supposed to make a costume entirely out of materials you already own. The rule is, you can't buy anything new for the costume! This project depends entirely on the wig and if it decides to co-operate with me. The character I'm trying to do is Princess Shirahoshi from One Piece. And dear god, this costume will never se the sweet light of a convention! I dont have the self esteem to prance around half naked infront of people, I cant even wear a bikini in public... So I will only have a photoshoot with this costume, with my trusted photographer and best friend Yuki who I'm sure could make me look good in a picture even if I wore a garbage bag as a dress and my ass as a hat...

my boobs aren't that big, so don't get excited.

Desucon Frostbite 16.–17.2.2013

Day 1:
Luna Lovegood from the Harry Potter series. This costume will be easy to make and easy to wear, and god knows I need one of those for a change... The only thing I'm actually really making is the cloak, and what a cloak it will be!

shes so cute ;_; 

Day 2:
For the other day I have lots of ideas, but I haven't made any desicion yet... I am, however leaning more and more towards Pixie from X-men, but for this I would like to actually have a group with me- the more the merrier!
I can't wait to get strated on this!

Heather Mason- Silent Hill 3 for a random photoshoot with Anniina. This will also be made entirely out of materials I already own, I'm doing it only for a photoshoot, I have never played Silent Hill and propably never will. I'm very easily scared and have a phobia for being chased so I don't think I would enjoy it...

pretty simple, but the make-up is half the fun in this one

Super awesome secret project
with Sandra from Swan Song Cosplay. This costume will be for some convention next summer ('cause we will be needing lots of time) But I smell a contest comming...

I don't even want to get into my "dream cosplay"-list right now, becuase it's terrifyingly long and changes all the time! But I'm pretty sure I'll be posting something about costumes I've always wanted to make at some point :)

Thats all for now, and I'll be back with my first "making of" post soon!
Love, Peaches


  1. Hey! You forgot our Soul Calibur group cosplay ; ) Well, maybe someday it will happen. I'm still going to be amased if I actually complete Ivy and with good results : D

    Awhile ago I just realised that Swan Song Cosplay coslayed Yami no Matsuei shikigamis at Turku's Animecon. We have a few group pictures and it was so much fun! Their costumes were great, so I'll be looking forward on your super awesome secret project!

    1. the only reason i didnt put in the soul calibur cosplay was becuase I'm kind of shifting towards Viola right now, and since I cant decide what character to make I dont want to promise anything yet :) and your Ivy is gonna kick butttttt!

      oh I didnt even know they cosplayed yami no matsuei xD I just remember their disney group :D

  2. Yeah, I thought the character desicion might be the reason. But I'm glad to hear you haven't completely forgotten about it ^^

    Ahhah, I hope so : D At least the sword and my heels are going to kick butt! 8D But I do have high hopes for that costume! : )

    Yeah, I recognized Krista who cosplayed Byakko then. But they've had a lot of great costumes, at Desucon Frostbite they did the Shiva Sisters from FFXIII and it was just awesome.

    1. yup, I admire the hell out of all of them, you too for that matter :D I admire all cosplayers who have the energy to do lots of costumes, do them well, and challenge themselves :)

  3. Shirahoshi <33<3<3<3<33 sounds so interesting challenge >uD I wanna see how it turns out eventually >8D

    1. I hope it will turn out good, becuase in my head it looks awesome but thats rarely how it actually turns out xD
      I started on it already so Im hoping to post something about it soon :D
