Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The epic pics of awesomeness

Okay so last weekend I finally got to wear my blood elf cotume at Tracon. I don't have much to say about the convention, it's always pretty fun, but also left room for improvement... I must say I was very surprised by all the lovely comments I got, clearly the WoW fandom has a huge heart! And even the people who didnt recognize the character were extremely sweet! Thank you so much, I don't think you know how much it means to me. It makes all the hard work I put into it worthwhile!

But you don't want to hear me rambling on and on so here are the pics! Elina was kind enough to take them, even if she was running a fever and didn't feel well at all! I hope I get to photoshoot this with Yuki soon as well...

evil glare
and some not so evil...

some epic posing

and the mandatory con-shot

the battle commences
and developes

lots of this going on at the convention, I'm so grateful towards my friends who helped me move and look good in this... Also Anni looking freakin epic as Raistlin!
Me, Raistlin and Helena as the cutie Dalamar. I really wish I could have moved in this more, but Ill try to get a few things fixed for the upcomming photoshoot!

comeone, this was what you were waiting for!

what is this I dont even.

 So thank you to everyone who made this convention awesome! Ill be back with my new cosplay plan (because it changed a bit) and propably some general thoughts about where I am right now cosplay-wise!


  1. Your cosplay was so awesome! I wanted a pic but I was too shy to ask or you seemed busy.. derrrrp.

    1. I think I only saw you once and then wasnt sure it was you so I just smiled like a cockoo xD

  2. You're awesome...we are awesome. Simple as that~

    ...to the photoshoot!

    1. yes. we. are. the photoshoot is gonna be awesuuummmm and then we have to make tons of making of shit for X-men!
